

Cermaq Canada's latest news, updates and information.


Valuable data gathered for further testing of SCCS

Cermaq Canada remains committed to innovation and testing new technology but due to a technical fault and related fish welfare, the trial of our Semi-Closed Containment System (SCCS) has been finished in the current phase. The SCCS was in the third stage of a four stage R&D trial to test new, salmon farming technology at its Millar site in Clayoquot Sound.


Cermaq steps up to be part of the climate change solution

By signing onto the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), Cermaq declares their commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the Paris Agreement aim of keeping global warming well below 2 degrees Celsius.


Courts dismissal of Cermaq Canada’s injunction reveals disappointing disconnect between DFO process, Minister Jordan, Canadian carbon targets and DFO’s own science

Campbell River, BC – On Friday, July 2, Cermaq Canada received the courts decision to dismiss the injunction it had filed in hopes to be able to complete one last transfer mature smolts (juvenile Atlantic salmon) to its Brent Island and Venture Point farms. While Cermaq Canada is disappointed in the decision, it was the discoveries made during the injunction process, which were not previously available to Cermaq or the Wei Wai Kum Nation, which were so disheartening for both organizations.


Cermaq Canada launches trial of new innovative system in BC waters

Campbell River – The trial of the new Semi-Closed Containment System (SCCS) is officially underway with the successful stocking of young salmon, called smolts. The system is unique as it uses a patented material to form a barrier around the system, which eliminates lateral interaction between wild and farmed salmon, while providing additional benefits for the farmed populations. The SCCS trial is the first of its kind in Canada – but the system has been successfully trialed in Norwegian waters by Cermaq Norway.


Cermaq Canada further invests in innovation for its farm sites copy

Cermaq Canada continues its commitment to operation improvements by investing in technology and maintaining its commitment to moving towards non-chemical treatments for sea lice.


Cermaq Canada to trail new semi-closed containment technology in Canada copy

Cermaq Canada brings innovative, new technology to BC waters Cermaq Canada will be trialing a new, innovative farm system at its operations on the west coast of Vancouver Island this fall.


Cermaq Canada releases 2019 Sustainability Report copy

The report is available online and through request.


Cermaq Canada adapts operations to meet Covid-19 guidelines copy

Cermaq Canada continues to adapt operations amid Covid-19 pandemic while supporting employees and support local communities As governments, communities and Canadians continue to modify behaviors and activities based on recommendations and guidelines provides by federal and provincial health agencies, Cermaq Canada is no different.


Cermaq Canada to let all Options to Lease in Nova Scotia expire copy

Cermaq Canada will not be pursuing expansion opportunities in Nova Scotia at this time.